We are in search of a more sustainable world…
Aparthotel Oporto faces good sustainability practices, not as an obligation, but as a natural way of being.
We are aware that small actions can contribute to sustainable tourism development, and we assume the principles specifically adopted in the World Charter for Sustainable Tourism, committing ourselves to a sustainable management of our activities.
Among the actions we have been developing in this field, is the use of solar panels to generate energy for heating sanitary water, encouraging the recycling of waste and sustainable practices in the consumption of resources such as water.
We are also engaged in carrying out projects in partnership with the community through municipal organisations, encouraging small entrepreneurs and artists, helping people in need with donations of furniture and bedding and sharing our expertise with trainees seeking professional development.
If you would like to know more about this, we are at your disposal.
Best regards,
The Aparthotel Oporto team